Saturday, December 29, 2012

Feeling better

I took a shower this morning and went out for lunch with David and Gabe. It used up all my energy but it feels good to have gotten out. My right leg/back is still hurting and sitting at lunch aggravated it some. I'm going to call Dr. Jenks office next week and see if I can get an appointment scheduled for steroid injections in my SI joints. Getting the injections always makes me feel better overall. I think that it's because of the PMR (polymyalgia rheumatica). I can feel my shoulders getting more sore each day which is a sign that the PMR is bothering me. The injections, even though they are in my back, help my shoulders too. I'm hoping it will help with everything that is going on right now. I still feel really depleted but not near as bad as I did last week. I could barely walk around the house this past week but now it's better. I'll be following up with my PA, Shellie, next week too. I've already left her a message about CLL running in my family. I just need her to check my labs and see if the tests they ran cover checking for CLL. I don't think I have it but I want to follow up just to be sure.

I ordered an electric blanket and a space heater because I'm having such a hard time staying warm these days. Warming up the bed at night helps me to sleep better. I'll use the space heater in the living room to keep me warm. I'm not sure why I'm having such a hard time keeping warm. I guess it's either lack of movement or from having so much pain right now. Or maybe a combination of both. Either way, I've got to warm up. Shaking makes my leg/hip/back hurt more and makes it difficult to sleep through the night. I hope the electric blanket helps.

David and Gabe are out running errands for Gabe. It gets tiring being home alone so much and feeling like I'm stuck in the house. I may try to get out this coming week (maybe ask a friend to take me out for a drive or lunch). I need to drive myself more too. I just haven't felt up to driving though especially with the pain medicine I'm taking for my leg and back. Plus, I hate this time of year when there is ice/snow on the roads. The main roads are clear but the side streets are still snowy. I can't wait for spring time to get here and for it to warm up. I really think it's time for us to consider moving to a warmer climate where there is no snow. I just can't take the winters anymore.

Almost time for a nap. My meds are making me tired. More later.

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