Friday, August 7, 2009


I did it! I went for a walk this morning and I did my usual loop (about 40 minutes). My knee hurt a bit but I was able to keep up my normal pace. Woohoo! My low back also hurt some but it's already feeling better. It felt so good to get out there and walk.

I was thinking last night that I've made a rule for myself that I need to go walk as soon as I get up and that if I don't get up early enough I can't go for a walk. That's silly. It doesn't matter what time I get up. I can go walking anytime during the day. And it doesn't have to be when I first get up although I do prefer to walk then and get it done with and have an accomplishment chalked up early in the morning. So I'm going to banish that old rule and the new rule is that there is no rule. ;)

Tomorrows stumbling block to get over is David being home. I don't know why that should have such an impact but it does. I usually feel uncomfortable when I leave the house while he's home. That's something I need to continue working on in therapy. I know there's nothing wrong with me going for a walk and leaving David home but I don't feel like it's okay. He could always choose to come with me but I don't really see that happening most of the time. So I need to get comfortable with getting out there on my own even if David is home.

I'm still struggling over the dog issue. Is it the right thing to do or not? I know I don't have to get a dog. There's no pressure there. I want my next dog to be the right dog for David and for me. I can't let this stress get to me and allow me to overeat or eat junk food. I'm definitely going to watch what I eat today.

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