Monday, June 10, 2013

David is having a hard day

David texted me and said he's really struggling today. He feels bad and his tremors are worse today. I didn't give him any juice for work so I'm not sure what's causing this. He should have had a veggie omelette for breakfast and a salad for lunch. Maybe he didn't eat lunch. He can't do that with his Type 2 Diabetes. I told him we would talk when he gets home to see what we need to do differently to make this work for him. I'm not expecting him to only do juice. In fact with his T2D it wouldn't be a good idea so I'm not sure what he's wanting or needing to do. I just know I can't afford to buy different foods for him and make meals for him that I'm not eating. I hope he's not wanting to give up on eating healthier. It irritates me a little bit that he's the one that was so adamant about doing this and talked me into it and now he's not really wanting to do it. I really don't want to have to prepare lunch and dinner for him and something separate for me for the long term. I don't mind doing while I'm doing a juice fast as long as it's easy and healthy to fix but I don't want to get into cooking and preparing tons of stuff every day. I like this plan because I only cook when I want to make some soup. Otherwise everything is raw. ~sigh~

I shouldn't be shocked because this is what usually happens. I am always hesitant to change anything because it doesn't last for both of us but David keeps on me until I look into it. I do all the research, preparation and shopping and he doesn't really help out much at all. Which is okay. I don't expect him to do all that stuff but I do expect him to give it more of a try than he has been. I know he works all day and that this is my job but it's hard to do when he's always struggling. He's been asking me constantly to look into Raw Food Rehab, a website that is all about eating raw, and I have now. He also wanted me to watch "Fat, Sick and Nearly Dead" and I did that too. I did all the research on the juicer and the plan and now he's struggling. I honestly don't know what to do. I know we'll talk this afternoon when he gets home about what he's having problems with and what he wants to do differently. I'm not going to figure this out for him though. He's going to have to tell me what he needs. I'll have to decide whether it's something I can do or not. I have very low energy at this point and have to push myself to get things done. Adding in preparing lunches or cooking dinners really isn't in my plan at this point. I guess I could do the lunch but I'm not going to be cooking food every day right now. I feel bad that I am complaining but I really am miffed about this turn of events.

David will be home in a little over an hour. We'll talk then and I'll figure out what to do to make this work.

Still drinking my lunch juice. It's really good. I made enough so David can have some when he gets home. If he doesn't want it I'll have it for dinner. Easy peasy.

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