Thursday, June 6, 2013

Tired, tired, tired...

I am so tired this morning. I thought I slept okay but woke up feeling exhausted and my legs are sore right off the bat today. I took my morning medicine which is making me even sleepier. I'm probably going to lie down in a few minutes. I had a hot cup of water with lemon in it this morning. Basically had to choke that down. Then I had a banana. I need to have a juice but I'm too tired to make one right now. I did get all the dirty dishes in the dishwasher and started the dishwasher. It's been months since I was able to use an appliance that uses water while home alone. This is the second time in a week that I have been able to do it. It feels better knowing the counters are cleared off. The juicer is ready for juicing I just have to wake up before I feel it's safe to use it. I'm going to make an orange juice this morning (sweet potato, carrots, whatever that root vegetable is and something else that I can't remember right now. I like that drink. I'll have the leftover soup for lunch. David gets home early today because he had to be at work at 5am. I have a dentist appointment at 2:30pm. I dread going to the dentist even though it's only for a cleaning. I am way over due for my cleaning though. Because of the severe fatigue I haven't been taking as good a care of my teeth as I should. I get exhausted just brushing my teeth. I also have starting gagging when I brush my teeth. Not sure what that's all about but it happens almost every time I brush. Hopefully I won't gag at the dentist today.

Gosh, I'm just so tired. I know I'm not getting enough to eat/drink. My appetite is waning again so it's hard to push myself to eat. I am looking forward to the soup today though.

I can't keep my eyes open. Tie for a nap. Later gator!

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