This morning we had a simple breakfast juice. It had carrots a green apple and a lemon. It was very tasty. I might just use half a lemon next time and 1 more carrot. I got the fruits and veggies ready and David juiced. We both cleaned up so it didn't take much time at all. I drank about half a cup and David had a full cup. I could have juiced some more and had more but half a cup filled me up. If I get hungry I can have a banana.
I did get up early today. I was at the bank by 8:15am and then went to Safeway. Their prices are definitely higher than Sprouts so I think I'll go to Sprouts to get the majority of my food and to Safeway to get the other stuff (water, toilet paper, etc.). I also put gas in my car. I am really tired today so doing all that wasn't easy but I was able to get it done. At Safeway I bought a bag of Gala apples, green grapes, a watermelon, a container of raisins and frozen fruit (pineapple, cherry, blueberry). Oh and I bought 2 bunches of bananas. We're using the bananas for snacks and sorbets so they are used up fast.
I think I slept better last night. I can't remember if I had to get up to go to the bathroom or not. lol When I got up I didn't feel refreshed but I felt like it was time to get up. I was glad to get up early because the cleaning lady comes at 10:30am and I wanted to have everything done by then. I even took time to change the kitchen around. I put the microwave back where it was because it was taking up too much space on the other counter. David didn't have any problems using the juicer on the higher counter. I like this setup better. It feels comfortable to me. I also took out a bag of trash this morning and put the Breville box in the garage. I want to keep it so if we have any problems with it we'll have the original box to ship it in. We have a 2 year warranty on it so keeping the box is a good idea.
I'm going to try making the Mean Green juice again today but I'll only put in half a lemon this time. I think it will taste better then. I really like the orange juices so far. I'll probably try a purple or red one today too. We'll be juicing during the day and have a nice salad for dinner. This will be our first day of having 2 - 3 juices in one day. I still have to figure out how I'm going to work out juicing for David's meals at work. I'm pretty sure I'll do it the night before and put them in the Nalgene bottles. I'll be juicing up a storm in the evenings. Thankfully it doesn't take long and there will only be one big cleanup. I'll have to rinse the juice jug in between juices but that shouldn't be a problem. I don't know if I'll include mine in those juicing sessions or do mine fresh every day. I'll have to see how that works out.
I'm pretty stoked though that we are keeping up the changes we've made for a fifth day. That's some kind of record for us. I mean, we did Weight Watchers for months but that was with allowing all kinds of junk food, fast food and processed food. We did lose some weight but I don't think it helped our health much at all. I'm curious to know what my lab results will show in six months time. I did that 24 hour urine test last week but won't get the results until I see the doctor on the 12th. I need to call and see if he still wants me to get a CT scan or if the one in February will do. I really don't want to get another CT scan but will do what needs to be done. I do have a benign growth on my adrenal gland and it has to be watched so if I need another CT scan I'll get it.
I'm hoping that as the day goes by I'll feel better. Tired, sore and bad seasonal allergies today. That's about it for now. I'll post again after the next juicing session.
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