Monday, July 13, 2009

It was a good day

Today has been a good day. Any day that I start with a walk is a good day though. I took my morning nap and then took a shower when I got up. I had my appointment with Marianne at noon. We talked about how I can get more out of my life, including being healthier. We discussed how God looks at me, as his child, and wants the best for me. I need to want that for myself. I mostly feel like I don't deserve good things but I know that is false. It's interesting that Marianne and I talked about God today because I called Kitty and she told me she has a friend who is going to do an online course about health, fitness and spirituality. I emailed Cay through her website and told her I would be interested in participating in the online class. She's already emailed me back and said she would be in touch with me. It sounds like a very practical use of information. I have to admit that I haven't turned this over to God like I could have. This is a wake up call to me to remember that I am not alone in this. Taking time to talk to God while I'm walking and just listening to what he has to say would certainly benefit me.

This evening I made dinner - rosemary, roasted garlic potatoes and chicken tenders in olive oil backed in the oven. It was delicious and it was very nice to eat at home. We ate out too much this past week. It was nice to have a simple yet healthy meal. I didn't get to cleaning out the fridge or grocery shopping so I'll have to do that tomorrow after my walk. I thought about setting my clock so I get up early but I think it will be nicer to wake up when I do and go walking then. It stays cool out for a lot of the morning so going a little later isn't such a big deal. I have my Cheerios for breakfast so I can eat before I go to the store to shop for groceries. I want to make sure that I give my body the energy it needs.

I'm really hoping that this online class works out because it sounds like there will be a lot of good information passed on. I am more than willing to see how my relationship with God could give me a leg up on this weight loss journey. Today for the first day I felt like my jeans weren't glued to me. They felt a little looser than usual. Of course I attributed that to them being worn and not just out of the dryer. When I look at it objectively though I can see that things are changing a little. That encourages me.

I know in the morning I will have to talk myself into going walking. I'm ready for it. I'm also ready for the mind game I play while walking (I'll just go half way, I'll just do the little loop). I can get through the thoughts by telling myself that thoughts are not facts. I can walk even if I don't feel like doing it at first. I'm hoping to get to the point that I want to go walking, that my day wouldn't be complete without a walk. That will come, I know it will.

I'm still struggling with the menu, especially for dinner. I don't want to have to put a lot of thought into my meals. I want them to be simple yet nutritious. Most foods just don't appeal to me right now. Maybe I need to take the same tact with eating that I am taking with walking. I may not want to eat most foods but I can do it even though I don't feel like it. Having a plan is what is important. That involves cleaning out the kitchen, planning out meals, making a grocery list and doing the shopping. I guess the first thing really is to figure out what I can and want to eat for meals. Lisa is being a great help with dinners. Teaching me how to cook food that is not bland makes a big difference. By the end of summer I'll have lots of ideas for dinners. I don't mind eating the same things but there has to be a little creativity with the meals.

I'm getting tired so it must be time for bed. A have my 40 minute walk to look forward to in the morning. Hopefully I won't be up in the middle of the night feeling ill since I didn't eat candy or drink sugared drinks. I'm looking forward to posting my morning picture.

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