Thursday, June 14, 2012

Blah dinner

For dinner tonight:

* pork chops baked in the oven
* baked potato
* peas


I still have 12 points left because I didn't have lunch today. I had some chips and an apple but no sandwich. I was too lazy to make a sandwich. We were almost going to order pizza for dinner but at the last minute I decided that wouldn't be a good idea and made the blah dinner. Even though it wasn't exciting it was better than pizza.

I spent most of the day on the couch because of the smoke in the air. Every time I took a deep breath I could taste it. Nasty. Lisa can't walk in the morning so I have to decide whether I'm going to go by myself or not. She can go later in the day but I think it will be too hot for me then. I also have to go grocery shopping so I might just count that as my activity for the day. I'll have to see how I feel in the morning and what the smoke situation is. My knee and foot are bothering me so I'm not sure I want to walk on the trail tomorrow. The flat surface of the store might be the best idea.

I'd be laying on the couch now if Bayou hadn't stolen it from me. lol She loves laying on the couch. She's just as lazy as I am when she's home. She'll go to daycare tomorrow. She plays all day when she's there. She always comes home and is very sleepy. That's always good for me becuase it's less time that I have to let her in and out.

I almost forgot that I might go to the 10am WW meeting tomorrow. I could do the shopping before I go there though. I don't have to go but I might want to. I'll decide that in the morning.

Not much else going on today. It's been an uneventful day (except for the smoke from the fire up north). I probably won't blog again until tomorrow.

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