I was up early and took Bayou to daycare. When I got home I took my morning medicine and went back to bed. I didn't wake up until David called me at 11:30am!! I didn't go to bed until midnight again last night and then David got a call on the duty pager at about 3am so I was up then fixing his lunch. When I get scattered sleep like that I'm usually tired all day but today I decided to just sleep in. It felt good. Not too much of a sinus headache today which is good. It's almost noon and I haven't had anything to eat yet. There's no bread for lunch and very few chips. I need to take a shower before I can go to the store though. So, I think I'll have a bowl of cereal instead and have a sandwich later. I need to plan something for dinner too. I don't have anything here for dinner. I'm too tired to think right now. I have to pick up Bayou at some point too. Sleeping in is nice but it sure does crunch up the rest of the day.
It's Friday so things will be slow on the WW online community. The weekends are especially slow in the summer since everyone is out enjoying the nice weather. I don't know if we're expecting storms again this evening or not. I hope not. I hate the storms. I need to make sure I pick up Bayou early enough to miss out on any storms. I need to get out more. I'm always shut up in the house. The allergy doctor told me to stay in with the AC on to avoid allergies but I'm getting cabin fever doing that. I need to get out once in a while. I should do it to go walking every day but I'm still too unmotivated too do that. I have things to do around here too (laundry, dishes, putting the trash out, cleaning out our closet, organizing the bins in the guest bedroom) but I'm not doing much beside sleeping. I can't go on sleeping all day. I'll never feel like I have a life if all I do is sleep. I need to get moving and be outside more. I also need to get to bed at a decent hour and not stay up when I get up in the middle of the night. I drag all day when I do that. If I don't take care of myself I'm going to end up sick again and I don't want that.
More later.
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