Saturday, November 12, 2011

The good, gooder an goodest news!

First the good news: the MRI results are in and they know what's wrong with my new. I have a torn meniscus on one side (lateral), arthritis in my whole knee and break down of the other meniscus (medial). Yes, I said good news because they now know what is wrong. Now I can go to the orthopedic doctor and see what they will do to remedy the situation. I'm thinking that the tear will have to be surgically repaired but maybe it's something that can heal on it's own. Whatever it takes to get this feeling better I will do.

Now the gooder news: WI today - DOWN 1.4 pounds, 15.2 pounds total (another 5 lb star) and I made my 5% loss (a humongous 5% loss star)!! I was totally shocked. I had to ask if I really had lost that much and got my 5%. LOL Karen, my WW leader, gave me a hug for the hard work that I'm putting into this. It's no accident that I'm losing weight because I'm working hard and working the plan.

And now the goodest news: Some of you may have already seen this in the Thankfulness Challenge but it's worth repeating - I'm going to be a grandma again this summer and there's a possibility of it being a multiple birth!!! One or more, I'm thrilled to be a grandma again. Congrats to my step-son and his wife.

That's all the news that's fit to print. LOL Woohoo! What a great day! I hope your day is great with good things too!

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