Monday, November 21, 2011

Went to the doctor today

I've had a little bit of a sore throat for a couple of days and decided to call the doctor this afternoon. They were able to get me in 15 minutes after I called. The quick strep test was negative but the PA (Physician's Assistant) said that after looking at my throat he was pretty sure the test was a false negative and was going to send it out for review. He checked my ears and said they were both "about to pop" (meaning they were full of fluid and inflamed). He gave me a prescription for antibiotics, told me to get some Sudaphed, Cloraseptic, yogurt and drink a lot of fluids. I'm also going to take some Zicam. That often helps me to not get as sick.

I specifically asked him if I could do my treadmill class tomorrow and he emphatically said "no!". Couldn't hurt to ask though. LOL I'm hoping I don't feel any worse than I do right now. I really don't want to be sick for Thanksgiving but if I am at least David will be home to take care of me. Not feeling well has taken all the focus off the food and holiday for me which in a bizarre way is a good thing. All I'm concentrating on now is getting better.

I'm a little frustrated about not being able to work out but understand that it's not the right time since I'm not feeling well. And I don't want to be around other people and make them sick either. It's not the best time to not be able to work out but that just means I'll really have to stick to the plan each day. I want to look at this as an opportunity and a blessing in disguise.

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