Wednesday, November 2, 2011

Same old, same old lunch

I did go back to bed until 9:15am. Bayou joined me so I didn't have to worry about her getting into anything while I wasn't watching. Of course she woke me up. I guess she was through napping. lol I probably could have stayed there for another hour and been okay but when the puppy wants to get up, it's time to get up. I spent the rest of my morning working on my NaNoWriMo novel. I'm over 3000 words now. Yippee! It's going along a lot easier than I thought it would. It is only the second day though and I only have 28 more to go! Bayou is being pretty good. Since it's cold and windy out she's not begging to go out every 15 minutes. I have the pain patch on my knee and it does seem to be helping somewhat, so that's good. I also took some Relafen (an anti-inflammatory that Shellie prescribed for me) to help with the pain. That should kick in anytime now (please!). I did take a break for lunch. I had:

deli ham, 3 PPV
cheese, 1 slice, 3 PPV
sandwich thins, 3 PPV
pretzels, 2 PPV
mustard, 0 PPV
pear, 0 PPV
and a Skinny Cow ice cream sandwich for dessert, 4 PPV

(Picture is of Monday's lunch, just substitute pear for grapes. ;) )

I still have 15 left for the day so that gives me plenty for dinner and a snack.

One of my goals this month (beside tracking every day and staying on plan) is to track my GHG's. I need to drink my liquids, get my dairy, eat my fruits and veggies, take my multi-viatamin, get my healthy oils and get in some activity. I'm not meeting all the goals every day but I'm at least getting check marks in the PP Tracker for the ones that I try to reach. When you reach a goal you get a smiley face. I try to get as many of those as I can each day. I've been getting activity in by shopping every other or third day and by doing housework. It's only a few AP's but it's better than nothing. Another one of my goals this month is to do chair exercises at least 2-3 times/week. I have my Qi Gong dvd's that I can do. I just have to bring the chair out into the living room and put the dvd in, but I haven't done it so far.

It's been snowing off and on all day and the sun has been peeking out every now and then. It's out right now. I'd like for this storm to clear up so I could go to the 5:30pm meeting tonight but I'm not sure that's going to happen. I'm glad I changed my WI day to Tuesday mornings but I did see there might be snow next Tuesday (probably in the evening though). I'll have to keep an eye on that for next weeks WI.

David has a dentist appointment right after work so he won't be home until after 4:30p I would think. Unless they take him in early. So I'll have to figure out what to do for dinner tonight. I realized that I have depended on potatoes for a side dish and don't really know what to do if I don't cook meat and potatoes. There's rice and pasta but both are carbs. I'm trying to find alternatives beside the high carb foods. I know salad is a good option but I don't want to stand at the counter chopping things up because of my knee. Then again, it really doesn't take that long and I do have lots of veggies to use. Maybe I'll do steak and salad tonight. I'll have to think about that.

I just want to say that I appreciate people reading my blog and responding to my posts. I'm pretty content just blogging for me but it's nice to know that every once in a while someone else gets something out of it. So thanks for the responses.

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