We got fast food for lunch today. Ugh! Now I wish I hadn't done it. Too late though. I'm going to have to watch it the next couple of days since I weigh in on Wednesday night. I only have 5 points left for today. I can have a salad later if I'm hungry. I still have my weekly points if I need them. I just hate using them. At some point I'll be at 26 points per day along with my 49 weekly points. It will be a while before I get there but I don't want to pig out now and then fail later when I have less points. It's not that I can't have fast food. On WW I can have anything. I just need to be smart about it and stay within my daily points. So far this week I've been below my daily points for the majority of the days. I haven't felt like I'm starving or even hungry most of the time. I'm definitely full right now though so I don't even need to think about another meal until much later, if at all.
I still haven't done the grocery shopping. I'm not sure I'll get it done today. I have to pick up Bayou in 2 hours and I just ate so I'm not up to going before I pick her up. I could always go after that. David can watch Bayou while I go. It will be better to go after I ate anyway so I'm not hungry while I shop. That's always a bad idea.
I think a walk is out for today unless I really feel like it later today. I can always go tomorrow or Wednesday.
I just weighed myself in my weigh in clothes - 280.2. I sure hope that holds up for weigh in day. I'd be down 2.4 if that was the case. That would be nice. Any loss would be good. I think my clothes are fitting different. They feel a little loser around the waist. Not sure if it's just my imagination or if it's really happening. I'll see at weigh in on Wednesday.
More later.
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