Saturday, May 12, 2012

Thank goodness for lunch

It's 12:30pm and I just finished lunch. I had my ham and cheese sandwich and chips. I had my Skinny Cow ice cream sandwich (4 pts.) for dessert. Even though I just ate I'm still craving food. I'll have an apple in a little while so I can get another fruit in today. I like that fruits are 0 points. If I'm craving food but not really hungry and I can't get food off my mind then food is a good choice. I have to go to the store to pick up a few things that I forgot yesterday so I'll get some more fruit (apples and grapes). I'm going to look over the Power Foods list and see what else I can have when I need a good snack.

I'm on my 2nd of 3 loads of laundry. The sheets will just go in the bedroom for Maria to change the bed on Monday. Now I have the underclothes and pants in the washer. Those will be easy to take care of since the underclothes just go in a basket. It's the shirts I don't like having to hang up. There are only a few today so it shouldn't be such a big issue. I'll get it all done today if I can. I took a nap so I'm feeling okay. I did just take some allergy medicine so I might get tired again before I do more laundry. I'll just see how things go.

There is a rumor going around that Jessica Simpson is going to be a spokesperson for WW. I don't really relate to her so it's no big deal for me. Of course, I don't relate to Jennifer Hudson either. I honestly relate more to Charles Barkley than I do any celebrity. The people I really relate to are people who have lost a lot of weight like my WW's leaders and other members. I'm not sure how much weight Jennifer Hudson lost though. I think I just don't relate to her because she's younger than me and is a celebrity. I should find out how much weight she has lost. I just looked it up and she's lost 80 pounds. That's a lot. She's done a great job. She looks so good now. One day I will look that good too. I guess that moms will be able to relate to Jessica Simpson. I don't know how much weight she has to lose or has lost. I'm sure it's quite a bit. The last few times I've seen her on TV she was pretty heavy. Should be interesting.

I've also heard about a couple other things. One is an activity device that helps track all your activity for a day. I guess it's more than a pedometer but I don't know what exactly it will do. I heard that there is another device on the market that does something similar but costs about $100. I can't remember the name of it though. I'll try to look it up anyway. I looked them up and don't really understand them. I guess when WW launches one I'll figure out what it does. Pat (WW leader) said it would cost about $45. I already have a pedometer that I'm not using so I don't think I need something else that will just gather dust. I should start using the pedometer to get a more accurate idea of how many steps I'm walking each day. I don't know when this thing is due out but it must be soon is Pat was talking about it.

The second thing that I heard from Pat is that our WW center is moving across the street to the King Soopers shopping center. It will be by the Jimmy Johns Sub shop. That will prove to be interesting for some people. I've been to JJ's once and didn't really like it. I am looking forward to a new WW center though. Our center is small and old. I hope the new one is nicer and bigger. Guess they wouldn't move if it wasn't though. Pat said there would be more open hours for the center. I haven't heard if the meeting times will change at all. I'm sure that Dori will still do the 5:30pm meeting on Wednesdays. She's been doing that one for a long time. I'm really looking forward to the new center. It's supposed to open in July. Should be fun.

I'm just going to focus on the now and stay on plan and get to my meetings. My next meeting is Monday with Pat. Then I'll go Wednesday evening to weigh in. I'm going to bring all my weight tracker books in so I can see if Dori can enter my original weight of 298.4. If not it's not a big deal. What I'm really hoping for is that my meetings count toward the 16 for the token. I want some WW bling. lol Again though if they don't count I can wait it out. I'm sure Dori will do what's best and what's right. I'm not sure how it works when you start over again. Seems that it should count. When I look at my weight tracker online the old information is in there but it only shows my weight loss amount since I came back on April 29th. I don't know if they can fix that or not. It might not be possible. I'll see what happens on Wednesday when I see Dori.

David just asked if I ever think of doing things on the weekend. He must be bored. Usually he sleeps all weekend so I don't plan on doing things. He makes it seem like it's my fault that we don't do anything on the weekends. He doesn't suggest anything either. I don't know why he thinks it's my responsibility to arrange things. That kind of aggravates me. I wanted to go the movies the last 2 weekends but he had the duty pager the first weekend and then worked last weekend. I thought the weather was going to be bad this weekend so I didn't really think of doing anything. Now all of a sudden it's my fault that we're sitting her doing nothing. Well, I'm not doing nothing. I'm doing laundry and blogging. I'm home all the time so it doesn't bother me to be here. If it's bothering him there are lots of things he could do around here or he could plan something. Oh well, I'm not going to worry about it. It's his problem, not mine.

I'm frustrated so I'm going to stop blogging for now. When I have something weight loss related I'll blog again.

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