Thursday, May 10, 2012

Dishes caught up

Okay, I got the dirty dishes loaded into the dishwasher and they are cleaning right now. I'm really out of breath now but it feels good to be getting some things done today. Each thing (hanging up shirts, putting clean dishes away, loading dirty dishes) is only taking about 10 minutes but that's a lot for me at this weight. It's a warm day too so I had to put the ceiling fan and AC on. Now I feel a little bit better with the cool air. It was quite stuffy in here before I did that. Next on the list is planning for dinner tonight and doing an inventory of the kitchen while I am in there. I just threw away some grapes and know there will be more to throw away because I let it all go for too long. I may rethink shopping once a week because I often buy stuff I don't use. Maybe I can plan out some meals for the week and shop every couple of days since I'll be more sure what I'll be cooking. I'll have to think about that. I'm sure I have a lot of stuff that I could use for meals already with just picking up a few things to fill it out. So, I've done 3 things so far that took about half an hour total. It feels good to not have those things hanging over me today. Time to go track the AP's that I've done today. Yay, I'm getting things done!

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