Friday, May 11, 2012

The weekend

I've already had dinner and dessert and still have 9 points left. I'll probably use 2 of the points on a mini bar but I don't think I'll use the rest of the points tonight. I also still have all of my 49 weekly points. I have 4 more days until weigh in though. Five really since I won't weigh in until 5:30pm on Wednesday. My points will reset on Wednesday though. I'm so looking forward to weigh in. Crazy, but true. I feel like I'm eating a lot but I'm staying within my points. I'm just so used to eating junk food that eating real food makes me feel like I'm eating a lot. I didn't have breakfast this morning though and I haven't had any fruits or veggies (except for a small piece of onion on my burger). I'll try to get in a fruit before bed. I really need to work on the GHG's. I need to get those in every day. That will help me to stay healthy and lose weight. I didn't even think about drinking tea today. I'm working on a bottle of water though.

I'm really hoping that this weekend isn't as hard as most weekends. I keep thinking that if I get just one cherry coke I'll be able to get rid of the headache. I'm not going to do it though. I may have a cup of hot chocolate tonight though so that will use up a few more points. That can be a substitute for the coke. I'm thinking about a Twix bar too. I'm not craving it, just thinking about it. I'm just so used to getting snacks for the weekend and pigging out on them. I often would get 2 cherry cokes, a Twix, 2 donuts and some licorice. Yikes! It would be so easy to slide back into eating junk. I'm not going to slide though. I'm going to make better choices. It's funny but usually on Fridays I would get us fast food for dinner so tonight I had a hamburger and french fries. It wasn't that good. I think I would have liked having a salad and something lighter better. Funny how that happens. You start to crave good stuff after a while.

I've been thinking about motivation and what specifically has motivated me to get back to WW and will keep me following the plan. Here's some of the things that are motivating me:

* pain in my knee (I know it will hurt less as I lose weight)
* overall health
* not liking the way I look now
* wanting to look better
* wanting to fit into regular size clothes instead of plus size clothes
* wanting to not be the biggest person in the room
* to stop being self conscious about the way I look
* wanting to weigh the weight that's on my license (180 lbs.)
* because I feel like I am worth the time and effort

I think those things will keep me motivated for quite a while. I have to be ready though for those weeks that I don't lose weight or that I gain weight or just for whatever reason don't have the motivation to stick with the plan. I think the best thing I can do is continue to go to meetings and be around people who are on WW's. I know that leaders are more than willing to take time to talk to me and help me out. No quitting this time. I really want to lose all the weight and be healthier and happier.

Next weeks topic is about outsmarting the supermarket. I try to stick to my list but invariably pick up a thing or two that's not on the list. Sometimes it's things I need to make a meal and sometimes it's snacks. I need to make sure that I only get snacks that are planned and on the grocery list.  I wish I had a smartphone because now you can scan labels and see what the point values are. That would be very helpful. Using the calculator on every label isn't time effective. I'd be in the grocery store all day. It will be interesting to see what the new topic will teach us.

The weather will be crappy this weekend. I've decided that even if David insists I'm not going to go out to eat for Mother's Day. I can eat at home and be happier. I don't think I could be happy ordering a salad or other low point foods at a restaurant. I know I'd want a piece of cake. I really need to make some pumpkin oat bread to have for snacks. I'll try to do that tomorrow. I'm too sore tonight to do it. And my head is still hurting too. I hope I don't cave in if David does insist on going out to eat.

My head is hurting so I'm going to stop blogging for now.

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