Thursday, May 31, 2012

Wednesday night weigh in (it's exciting!!)

I did it! I weight 279.6 lbs!!! I've lost exactly 10 pounds in one month's time (from 4/30 - 5/30). The 280's are gone. Hopefully I can keep them away for good. I think I'm 1.2 pounds away from the 20 lbs lost mark too. That will be quite an accomplishment for me. I was so psyched when I got on that scale at my WW meeting and saw 279.6. What a beautiful number. Having a scale victory this week after not having one last week is heartening. My DPT (daily point total) stayed the same - 41. That means I have 41 points to use each day plus I have the 49 weekly points to use. Eventually when I meet goal weight (174) I think my DPT will be 26. It's kind of hard now to think of having only that many points a day but it's getting easier to envision it as each day goes by.

I did get fast food for dinner after weigh in. I do need to stop doing that. I need to be more organized on Wednesdays so that I can eat when I get home from weigh in and David can eat when he gets home from golf. It has to be something healthier though. No fast food. Maybe I could do a cooked rotisserie chicken and salad or something in the crock pot and a salad. I should have an hour before David gets home from golf after my meeting to put something together for dinner. I can't keep getting fast food that night just because it's convenient (which actually it's not since I have to drive there). Real convenient food with be something I'd have in the house already either already cooked or ready to cook. Planning is the key to doing this.

So I had the fast food last night (it's 2:15am) so I'll have to make better choices the rest of the week and be prepared to make healthier meals. It's not that I can't have fast food on WW as long as I count all the PP values, it's that I don't want to use so many points on one meal. There are no GHG's in any of the fast food. No, I take that back. The soda can count toward the fluids. I'll check that off later in the morning because the WW site is down for maintenance right now. But really there's not much else that's a GHG in a fast food meal.

I'm so excited that I made it into the 270's. I already got my sticker for that new decade so I won't get one this go round. I'll have to wait until I get in the 260's to get my next one. That will take about a month's time if I keep on plan.

Dori wasn't at the meeting last night which I thought was interesting. Anne led the meeting. I like her so it was okay that she led the meeting but I missed Dori. I think everyone did. Dori's meeting is just so different than any other meeting. Nobody does awards like Dori does. And her meetings are so positive and honest. I just thought that it was interesting that I was blogging about not getting connected to the meeting leader and then Dori takes a night off. Anne did an okay job but it just wasn't as exciting as a Dori meeting. Dori is going to be doing a meeting for Anne today so I might go to that just to get my Dori fix. I want to be able to tell her that I lost 2.8 lbs. and I'm close to getting my next 5 lb star for a 20 lb loss total. Not having Dori there made me realize that it would be a downright shame if she retired. So many people would miss her, including me.

It was kind of a weird meeting where the weekly topic (being active) got strewn around the 1/2 meeting with the awards interspersed here and there. Anne seemed to not know what to say and just kept asking people if they had anything to share. Thankfully enough people did. There was one "oops" moment when a lady said that she doesn't have time to exercise and a guy at the end of her row said those were just excuses. I think that made her feel bad. Anne tried to deflect it by saying that everyone is different but the damage had been done. This guy has lost 50 lbs and kind of talks like he knows everything. He's working out a lot and feels everyone should be working out or they are just making excuses for not doing it. I'm glad he's able to work out but not everyone will. Anne told us about a guy who lost 95lbs and never worked out. He just followed the plan and lost weight in a timely manner. That was encouraging for me since I'm not working out right now. I do want to eventually be hiking again but it's good to know that I can lose weight even if I don't work out.

The meeting was just weird.

Nobody talked to me beside the receptionist who did my weigh in. I didn't talk to anyone either beside the receptionist. I just don't know how to start up a conversation with someone I don't know. I sat by myself and it felt awkward. I did sit in the front section instead of against the back wall. I was the fourth row back on the end. But no one acknowledged me. I need to start talking more in the meetings. I've been very quiet. Last week the meeting was really loud. While Dori was talking other members were chit chatting pretty loudly. I guess that last week 4 people walked out and stopped by the receptionist and told them that they couldn't hear anything because of the chit chat. I was annoyed by it myself. Anne mentioned it and asked for people to not be s loud during the meeting. It was a much better meeting because she did that. You could tell that people were just chomping at the bit to chit chat with their friends during the meeting. I'm glad Anne held it together so well last night.

Now in celebrity news: Jessica Simpson has joined WW. After she had the baby she realized she had a lot of weight to lose and decided that WW is the way to go. It will be fun to follow her journey.

There is a summer contest going on (May 27 - July 6) called LiveLifeActive. You enter your AP's each day and as you do that there are special things online that you get to open up that give you information or something. You can win prizes too. I'm going to try to get activity in each day for the next 6 weeks. I'd like to walk at least 3 times each week and do housework (laundry, dishes, grocery shopping) the other days. I could also do some activity in the pool. If I get over there early there shouldn't be too many people. I know I'll look horrendous in a swimsuit. I do have those swim shorts I got for the YMCA. I think they would still fit. I'll have to dig them out and see if they do fit. I'd definitely go over to the pool with those on. I'm too fat to go with just a swimsuit on. I'm glad I remembered those shorts. It would feel good to be in the water again. I'll also have to check to see if they are going to have an early morning aerobics class like they've done in years past. I'll have to wait for the June Bunny Tracks to come out. It should be on the calendar if they are doing it. If not I can do it myself. I also need to find out about pool hours. I think I'd like to get a kick board instead of a noodle, or maybe both. They aren't that expensive and they would allow me to do more in the pool. I'm getting excited about it now. I just need the swim shorts to fit.

I just weighed myself and I'm 280.4. That's okay though because I ate all that fast food last night. It's going to show up on the scale. I'll work hard this week to lose the 1.2 pounds I need to get to 20 lbs lost. I'll be glad when I'm deep enough into the 270's that 280 isn't possible anymore. I must be patient though. And I HAVE TO get in my GHG's EVERY DAY!! That's what will really help me to lose the weight. I think even if I ate a healthier meal I'd still be up 1/2 a pound. I just drank a bottle of water while sitting here blogging. Hopefully that will wash out some of the calories. I'm not going to be obsessive about this but I think if I check the scale more often then I'll know how food and drink is effecting my weight. It's like a diabetic taking their blood sugar multiple times a day to see where they stand. I want to see where I stand each day. It's nice to know that the WW scale and our home scale are so close on weight. It gives me an idea of where I'll be before I get there. I think if I only weighed myself at weigh in I'd be more apt to focus on that number purely and let it dictate how I feel. Knowing ahead of time will allow me to work toward the goal I want for the week.

It's exciting to think that by the end of June I could be in the 269 lbs range. I think that's my 10% goal area too. It might be 264.9 It's nice that I can look ahead and be psyched instead of being overwhelmed. But I'm really going to focus on just these next 2 lbs so I can get my next 5 lb star for being 20 lbs. lighter. I'm really looking forward to that. I've got the food here I need to make it a successful week. Now I just have to prepare it. Lean meat, salad and non-starchy veggies for every meal would be good. I think I can do it. There was a good looking recipe in the WW Weekly handout for ginger lime chicken. I think I'll try that next week.

Next weeks topic is going to be setting goals for the summer. My goals for the summer are to:

* lose 8 - 10 lbs per month (June - August)
* exercise in the pool
* walk at Palmer Park
* eat more healthy
* meet my GHG's every day
* try at least one new meal each week
* attend at least one WW meeting each week and weigh in
* get my next 16 weeks charm (32 weeks total)
* get my 25 lb and my 50 lb WW bling (even if I have to buy it myself)
* get my 10% star

Those are some good goals and are attainable too. I can do this! It's amazing to think how much I could accomplish just over the summer. Losing 24 - 30 lbs in 3 months time would make an amazing difference in my body and my mind. I can just imagine by next summer being able to wear just a bathing suit and looking good in it. I can imagine being someone who inspires others to lose the weight. My goal right now is 174 but I think I'll be going lower than that. I'd really like to be in the 140's - 150's. But that's a ways down the road. I don't need to worry about that right now.

I need to get going on making David's lunch so I can get back to bed. I don't have anywhere to go today so I can sleep off and on all day. Hopefully Bayou won't be in one of her in and out moods. I may have someone come by tomorrow to check out our tree out front. It cracked twice now and David has bolted it together. But last night it was really creaking bad. I worry that it will come down on our house or the Deno's house. That would be a disaster. So I need to see if I can get someone out her to give me an estimate on how much it would cost to take it down. I'm going to check with the office too and see if we are responsible for the removal of the tree since we don't own the land and didn't plant the tree. It's worth checking into. It'll probably cost $500 - $600 to get the tree removed. I'll miss the tree but I won't miss worrying about it snapping and hitting the Deno's house. This is the tree and that's the Deno's house right behind it.

Off to make David's lunch and then off to bed. Later.

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