Friday, May 11, 2012

Middle of the night snack

I should have just gone back to bed but I was up and couldn't stop thinking about a WW mini bar. I was going to put it on last nights tally because I  knew I had some points left but that would have been cheating. Instead I did the most right thing I could do (beside not eating the WW mini bar) and added it to today's tally. I put it in Anytime. I've noticed a lot lately that when I get up I feel like I have to eat something right away. So I usually do. I feel like my appetite right after I wake is voracious. Thankfully having a 2 point mini bar takes care of all the cravings. I'm doing my best to track everything that goes into my mouth. I'm not much for eating/tasting while I'm cooking. It's just when I wake up from a nap or in the middle of the night. It may be that I am thirsty and I'm taking it as hunger. I don't know. I'll have to start trying to drink during those times and see if it satisfies the craving. I should just tell myself no! I think it's excitement eating. I'm just waking up and the excitement of being up causes me to want to eat. That's not a good reason to eat though. I should have just gone back to bed and not given in to the mini bar. Oh well. What's done is done. All I can do now is learn from it.

Dr. Fouss told me to stop drinking liquids after 6pm so I wouldn't have to get up in the middle of the night to go to the bathroom. I haven't done that so I'm still waking up around 1am to go to the bathroom. I wouldn't be eating in the middle of the night if I wasn't up now would I? I have to at least give it a try and see if I'd still wake up. I think it's just become a habit now. I feel productive and creative when I get up in the middle of the night. I need to save that creativity for the daytime hours.

I think another reason why I wake up in the middle of the night is that my allergy medicine has worn off and I can't breathe very well so I wake up so I can take some allergy medicine. I should have mentioned that to Dr. Fouss but didn't think of it at the time I was there with him. I need to try a 12 hour medicine with a decongestant. Maybe I'll try Allegra-D. I can see if that would help. I can take it at night before I go to bed so it keeps me sleeping through the night. I'll have to see how much it costs first. It's OTC so unless I have a script for it I'd have to pay for it.

Another reason I get up is because I don't make David's lunch at night. I get up during the night or around 4am to make it. I need to start making it at night so I can sleep through the night and the early morning. He could have put today's lunch together since there isn't anything to make. He's having leftover spaghetti and salad. Yeah, he definitely could have taken care of that. I'll do it though since I'm already up.

Dr. Fouss also told me not to go on the computer in the middle of the night but I'm so drawn to it. It's a time that I can just blog freely, without having to get up for Bayou or do things around the house. I feel creative this time of night. I should be dreaming though instead of doing real world things.

I just took my allergy medicine. It will take a few minutes for it to start working. I also got David's lunch together. I'll leave it in the fridge for him. That way I won't have to get up again at 4am. I can just tell him when he wakes up that it's in the fridge. I should be sleeping again by 2am (when the allergy medicine kicks in).

I've been having the hardest time getting up in the morning and these late night blogging episodes don't make it any easier. I need to be up early though so I can drop Bayou off at doggy daycare and then get home to do my kitchen inventory and meal plan before my 10am WW meeting. If I can get it done before the meeting then I can go straight to the grocery store after my meeting. If I don't get it done I'll have to come home and do it before I go to the grocery store. I don't want to be doing grocery shopping in the afternoon. I want to have it done so that cooking a meal is something I can do. I need enough of a break in between shopping and cooking so that I am rested. If I'm feeling tired and sore I'll end up getting us fast food and that wouldn't be a good choice. Maybe I can plan to make burgers and french fries for dinner as a compromise. It will be quick and give me the fast food feel that I want on a Friday. That's a good idea. I also need to have something quick to cook on Wednesday so David can eat and I can heat up or cook again when I get home from the meeting. I don't want to eat before I weigh in. I'll have to come up with some meal ideas for Wednesday nights too.

I'm going to check out The Peaceful Mom's meal plan for the coming week and modify it for us. It will at least give me a starting point. I checked the eMeals meal plan and didn't like what was on there. I'll look at it again though in the morning and see it there's a meal or 2 that I can take off it. Heck, I'm paying for it I might as well try to use it. Once I get the meal plan done then I can do the grocery shopping list. I already have pasta and rice here so I'll try to incorporate that into some meals. I don't want to go too high on the carb count though. I'll have to put the meals into eTools and see what the point values are. I eat pretty light at breakfast and lunch and usually have quite a few points for dinner so I should be able to accommodate the carbs I have on hand so I don't have to waste them or give them away. It just takes some planning. And doing an inventory will only take 10-15 minutes, if that. It's the meal planning that takes the time. I can whip up a grocery list pretty fast once I have the inventory and meal plan.

I wish that The Peaceful Mom (Kimberlee) posted the meal plan on Thursday night so I could work on it Thursday night and do my shopping first thing in the morning. But alas it's not posted until Friday morning so I just have to deal with that. I'm not sure how early she posts it so I'll just have to keep checking once I'm up in the morning. If I can drop Bayou off by 7am and do the kitchen inventory after that and then the meal plan I could be done with all of that by 8am. That would give me time to go grocery shopping and since I shouldn't have too much to get I should be home by 9:30 the latest. I don't have to leave until 9:40 for my WW meeting so I could get it all done in the morning if I can get up. If not I can do the shopping right after my WW meeting. That would work out okay too.

Well the allergy medicine is working so I need to go back to bed. It's just after 2am. I have a busy, purposeful morning to wake up to. It may be raining in the morning. It's really windy out now. That could throw a damper on things but I've got to try to keep to schedule even if it is raining. Adios for now. More later.

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