Thursday, May 10, 2012

Long day

It's only 1pm and it's already been a very long day. I miss going to a WW meeting today. I didn't go because Bayou is home and I don't like putting her in her kennel. She'll be in daycare tomorrow so I can go to my 10am meeting. I'm looking forward to the meeting already. Christine will be leading. I really enjoy her meetings.

Today I had Honey Nut Cheerios for breakfast and PB&J and chips for lunch. I have no idea what I'm going to make for dinner. I have to plan out meals so I'm not in this position every day. I'm trying to follow The Peaceful Mom's menu plan ( but it's not as easy as I thought it would be. I'm just so picky about what I eat. There were things on the menu plan that I made that I didn't really like or knew I wouldn't like so I didn't make them. That left a lot of gaps that I didn't fill in. So now I don't know what to do for dinner tonight. I guess I could do spaghetti and a salad. I have all the stuff to do that.

I've wasted a lot of food this week and I really don't want to do that. I especially lose a lot of veggies because I don't use them. I'll have to see what's still fresh enough to use for a salad tonight. I'll do that before David gets home so if I need to go to the store I can do that once he gets home and can watch Bayou. I've got to stop wasting food. I even threw away some meat this week because it went bad. I still might have a pork roast that is past the expiration date. I'll have to check on it to see.

I could have done a lot of things today but instead kind of wasted the day just sitting around. I have laundry, dishes, meal planning and activity to do and instead I sat in my chair or laid on the couch. I have no motivation to do anything. That's not going to help me lose weight! I need to be on top of things and get some activity points while I'm doing the things that need to be done. I've had shirts sitting in the bedroom for days needing to be hung up. I have dishes in the dishwasher that need to be put away and dirty dishes that need to go in the dishwasher to get caught up on dishes. I need to inventory the fridge and cabinets to see what I have and do some meal planning. I'm sure I have enough stuff to make a bunch of meals (or at least parts of meals). I just have to get creative with what I have. I signed up for eMeals too but didn't really like the menu (too much in the carb category) so I paid $18 for something I'm not really going to use. I have to stop wasting money!

How do I motivate myself to do stuff? I am motivated to go to meetings and to blog. I'm also motivated to track everything that I'm eating. I'm not motivated to meet the GHG's (Good Healthy Guidelines) that I need to meet every day. I'm not drinking any water or tea. I have to increase my fluids intake with something besides soda. I don't have any soda in the house and I'm determined to not get any at the store so I don't drink anything. I take a few sips of water throughout the day and that's it. That's not good.

Just wanting to keep it real. I'm still excited about the 5.2 lbs. I lost. I put up the picture that I hope will motivate me. I just need to get into the habit of doing things. I need to make myself do things until I feel like doing them. I may not feel like doing things for quite a while but I need to do them anyway. I need to make these things habits. If I can make myself do things through this month then maybe by the end of the month more things will be habits and will be easier to do. I know I'll lose weight just by eating better and tracking but I'm not going to lose the optimum amount of weight if I sit in my chair all the time. I want to be more active but it's hard to get going. It's easier to sit and do nothing. Well, not nothing completely, I do get up to let Bayou in and out all day long. lol I have a pedometer and I need to wear it to see how much activity I'm getting each day. I know I'm probably doing more than I realize but there is so much more that I really need to do.

I guess instead of sitting her blogging all day I should get up and do some stuff around the house (hang up those shirts, put those dishes away, load the dishwasher, inventory the kitchen). Argh! It's so hard to get started. Sometimes I feel like I'm the only one who is lazy. I'm sure there have to be other people out there who have the same problem that I do and is struggling like I am. It just feels like I'm along. Most people probably don't talk about being lazy because they don't want to out themselves. I'm hoping that by being honest about this that it will help me to get moving.

Okay, I'm going to go hang up shirts and then see how I feel. I know it will be difficult physically. I will hurt and get out of breath but I can survive that. I have to do something today so I don't feel like I'm wasting a whole day. Off I go...

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