Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Being Totally Honest

I have been getting in some activity points this past week by walking when I shop and doing housework. I thought about using the little motorized cart when I was grocery shopping but that would have taken away the little bit of activity I have been getting. 

But I could have done more. I have 2 Qi Gong videos that I can do seated but I never even got them out. I could have looked up a video of chair exercises and didn't do that either. I'm sure there's probably a show on satellite TV that I could record that does sitting exercises but I didn't even look for one. I could have bought a DVD on chair exercises on Amazon but I didn't do that either. They may have something at the library. I didn't check their either.

So why didn't I do any of those things? I think it's because I wanted to have an excuse for gaining weight this week. I kept telling myself that I couldn't work out because of my knee but I could have gone to the Y and asked about some upper body stuff. Didn't do that either. I even thought about going to use the hot tub but never got there for that. My excuse for that? I won't get my swim shorts until Friday. I'm too fat to be seen in just a swimsuit.

Excuses, excuses, excuses. I have tons of them.

I keep saying "if only I could go hiking, I'd work out" but I can't do that because of my knee right now so I should be doing something that I can do. I'm supposed to go see Dr. Jinking tomorrow but may have to cancel because of weather. I'm going to do my best to get there though because I want to know what's going on with my knee. It still is sore when I walk or if I'm on it too much. I thought by now it would be just fine but it's not.

The lack of exercise along with eating too much carbohydrates and fats is allowing me to gain weight instead of losing it. I weighed myself at home today and I was still up a pound or so. I just weighed myself and I'm up 2 pounds.

The good news is that I know why I've gained the weight. I've had a gallon and a half of juice in less than a week. I have been drinking that instead of water. That's not good. So as of tonight I'm done with the juice. I just dumped out a half gallon of it down the drain. It really stains the sink so I had to wash it out after I dumped the juice. The red dye in it must be wreaking havoc with my body. Let alone the poison of the sugar (HFCS). But it's gone. I have some bottles left and I'll see if Lisa wants those for the boys. If not, I'll toss those too. If  I drink any juice at all it will at least be natural juice not red dyed juice like Hawaiian Punch.

I am going to force myself to drink water. I will drink 48 oz of it each day (two 20 oz bottles and 1 8 oz bottle). It isn't going to be easy but I am going to have to do it. Starting right now! I've drank 20 oz. of water just tonight. I won't get my 48 oz. in tonight because I drank so much juice today but tomorrow I will drink my 48 oz. of water each day. I may not like it but it's one of the things I need to do to lose weight.

A water bottle will be my new constant friend. :-)

Just wanted to be honest about what's going on with me. I need the accountability. I can't only blog when things go well though I will blog when they do go well but it's almost more important to blog when I struggle because I can be honest with myself and others and get the help that I need.

I'm sticking with this plan for the long haul. I have 116 pounds to lose and I'm going to do it. It will take me some time to do it but every ounce I lose is one less ounce I have to carry around with me. I want to lose it all for good. I'm inspired by the leaders at WW and what they have done. I will learn from them.

I hope that this is helpful to someone else and makes your journey a little bit easier to go through. Have a good night everyone!

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