Saturday, October 8, 2011

Evil snow

Well, it's snowing so I'm not going to my Gold's Gym appointment. It rained before the snow so I'm worried about icy roads. I hate having PTSD about driving. The car accident was 18 years ago and I'm still freaking out about driving. Sheesh. Anyway, I asked for a trainer to call me back so I can reschedule my appointment. Hopefully I can get one for tomorrow. I really do want to go but just can't face the roads. It looks like we'll get an inch or more of snow. Thankfully I already did the grocery shopping so I have all that I need here. I need to watch my anxiety though and not let it get the better of me. If it does I'll want to eat to ease the anxiety.

For breakfast I had my Rice Krispies. I'll have a piece of fruit in a little while. I'm going to do my best to have a fruit or vegetable with every meal today.

Bayou is still limping this morning but not as bad as she was yesterday. Definitely looks like daycare is on the calendar for Monday. If not, I'll just put  her in her kennel so I can go hiking. I've got to get going on it. It's always rough starting out hiking but I get in the groove pretty quick.

I'm wheezing and coughing this morning. I hope I'm not getting sick. That would really suck. I better take some Zicam. I should probably go back to bed. No reason to be up if I'm not going out.

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