Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Woohoo! Lost a little bit more!

I lost another 1.2 pounds in 5 days! I've changed my weigh in day to Wednesday. Altogether I've lost 8.6 pounds and I'm down to 289.8. I'm in a new decade. Awesome! I got 2 stickers tonight, one for my first 5 pound loss (last week) and for a new decade (this week). It was nice to be recognized in the meeting by Dori and the group. I'm really hopeful if I can work out each week too that I'll keep up the 1-2 pound per week weight loss. I'm just so excited to see the pounds going down.

Tomorrow I have the appointment at the Y to start the Commitment to Fitness 12 week program. I'm really curious about what they will have me doing. I'll find out tomorrow and get started as soon as I can. I think they'll show me the machines during the appointment. I'm a little nervous about using the equipment but once they show me hopefully I'll feel more comfortable. Mostly I don't want to end up on funny videos. lol

The photo is of my weight tracking card. The star is for the first 5 pounds I lost last week and the heart is for getting into the 280's.

Dinner tonight was a nacho plate. It was delicious. I had some ice cream again. I was 2 points under for the day even with that. I know I need to eat more fruits and veggies though. And I absolutely have to drink more water. I had 2 bottles of water today which is a record for me. Once I start working out I'll definitely have to drink more. I think then that it will just occur naturally. I won't have to force it like I do now.

Part of the issue for me is, what do I want to call it? Not being lazy, just not being in the habit of doing healthy things and eating and drinking healthy. Today though when I got home I really was hungry and instead of snacking I made my ham and cheese and chips. That was a major accomplishment for me.

It's after 9pm so I need to get ready for bed. I'm going to take Bayou to daycare (which I don't usually do on Thursdays) but since I'll be out from about 10:30am until 4pm (I'll be at Lisa's after the Y) I'll put her in daycare. Hopefully it won't bother her leg. If it does, I'll just keep her home on Friday. I only have one appointment at 8:30am on Friday (with Dr. Fouss).

All in all a good day today. The radio interview went well. My appointment with Alicia was helpful (as usual) and I got to celebrate my weight loss accomplishments at the WW meeting. I did say at the meeting that eTools really has been helpful to me. I don't think that I would be doing as well if it wasn't for eTools. It makes all the difference.

Goodnight all.

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