Wednesday, October 26, 2011


Scrambled ground beef, 3 oz
Homemade mashed potatoes, 1/2 cup
peas, 1/2 cup

dessert - homemade oatmeal cran-raisin bite cookies, 2 pts each (4)
I got the recipe from the WW site (oatmeal raisin bites).

I had enough leftovers for lunch for me for tomorrow. Work is providing lunch for David tomorrow so I don't have to make him a lunch. Ahh. I really can relax tonight.

I didn't go to the 5:30pm meeting because of the roads get a little slippery. But I already weighed in this afternoon so I'm all set. I may go to the 9:30am meeting tomorrow even though it's a mom and me meeting. There have been kids at other meetings and it hasn't been an issue so I'm sure tomorrow would be okay. I just hate to miss two days in a row. LOL Who'd have thunk it? I see Alicia at 11:30am. And I will definitely be at the WW 10:00am meeting (but I'll be there at 9:30am). I keep worrying that Karen won't be there or she'll forget about me or something. Just old stuff cropping up. If she's not there or not available, I'll just wait until I see her again.

I miss not going to Dori's meeting but it is nice to give myself a day off from afternoon and evening events. I needed it.

My knee is feeling better tonight. I'm still achy though, in both knees, because of the weather (is that a myth or NOT?). I think I just need to get out and hike to get my knees working. I may be a little sore but pretty quickly I will adjust and my knees will feel better overall. My whole body will feel better when I can be working out. I'll have to schedule in the Y too. I won't go to the Y until next week or this weekend. Beside the WW meeting Friday I'm taking the day off from everything. I may even keep Bayou home though I'll have an easier day if she is at daycare. Maybe I can get David to take me over to pick her up Friday afternoon. I'll play it by ear. I'll probably be so psyched about my WW meeting that I'll do all kinds of stuff I wasn't planning on. I will go hiking Friday though.

Guess I need to sit down and go over my schedule again and sync up with the treadmill class at the Y and hiking and Bayou going to daycare and WW meetings. Whew! I'm tired just thinking about all of this. LOL

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