Thursday, October 6, 2011

Fitness Clubs (19 & 24)

I called Fitness 19 and 24 Hour Fitness and neither of them have a walking track. Hmm. That's interesting. I guess if you want to want you have to do it on a treadmill. Fitness 19 doesn't have a pool either. So, looks like that's out. I really should just get out there at Palmer Park and walk. I could go there after I drop Bayou off at daycare on Monday, Wednesday and Friday. Even if I can only walk 5 minutes I'd be walking where I want to be. Walking around the neighborhood is boring to me. I'd rather be at Palmer Park. It's just the driving that bothers me. I'll already be out though and down that way if I'm dropping off Bayou though. If I bring water I can start and stop as often as I need to. I just need to get going. If it wasn't so windy out today I might have gone but we're having high wind warnings and I'm sure it's windy up on the Mesa.
I'm kind of surprised that the clubs don't have walking tracks when that's the best thing for you. 24 Hour Fitness does have a basketball court but they didn't say it could be used for walking so I guess not. There's another fitness club down on Powers but I don't know the name of it. I could try to check that out and see what they have. We often get ads in the mail for them. There really aren't that many days thought that I can't walk at Palmer Park. And there is the exercise room over at the clubhouse. I shouldn't forget about that. I should check that out tomorrow too. I could go there on days that driving doesn't work for me. The road up to Palmer Park is windy and hilly and snow would make it pretty treacherous for me.
At least I called the clubs. I don't know that I'd get my moneys worth out of a club anyway at my current weight. Maybe once I drop the weight I want to lose a club might be an option. In the mean time, I can try the Palmer Park thing on M, W & F after dropping off Bayou. I think it's supposed to be nice tomorrow so I can start then. If it's not nice, I can see if they have equipment in the clubhouse exercise room that I could use instead. There are options out there and I need to take advantage of them. The only thing I would really like is a pack that holds 2 water bottles that would fit me. I'll check online for that because I have some swagbucks to use on Amazon.
Okay off to look for a pack. More later.

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