Monday, October 31, 2011

Monday lunch

I did get some sleep before the WW meeting today. I almost got up too late for the meeting! But I was able to get there just on time. However, I didn't get to have anything to eat before I left and I didn't take a snack with me. I wasn't awake enough to think about doing that. So after all my errands, I was feeling really hungry. I thought for a second about stopping somewhere to get something (McDonald's, 7-Eleven) but the streak is still going and I didn't want to ruin it so I decided not to stop but to go home and get something to eat.

When I got home I felt ravenous. I wanted something to eat and I wanted it now! So instead of taking time to make a sandwich I made a nacho plate (tortilla chips, cheese and pico de gallo) and had a pear. It was very quick and I needed quick. I didn't like how I felt about doing that though. I was reacting instead of acting. I was hungry and needed something right that minute. At least that's what I thought. I think if I had made myself slow down and take time to make a sandwich I would have felt better about it. But it's okay because the nacho plate was only 4 points. Breakfast was only 5 so I actually have to make the sandwich anyway. But I'm waiting. I'm not rushing to do it just because I feel like the world will end if I don't eat. It's a feeling and I can put up with a feeling.

I took time to make some tea and I'll make my lunch here in a couple of minutes. I realize I probably could have avoided the noshing on nachos (not that the nachos were a bad thing) if I had taken time to eat before I went out or if I had brought a snack with me. Lesson learned. I will plan better next time so that maybe I won't feel like that. Or if I do feel like that I can remind myself that it's okay to wait until I've made something healthy/healthier to eat.

It will be a ham and cheese sandwich for lunch today with some pretzels and fruit, maybe grapes.

Today's Weekly WW handout has a delicious looking recipe in it for Pumpkin-Oat Bread. I think I have everything I need to make it so I might do that tonight. No, I have to get brown sugar. I can pick that up this afternoon when I go to the store to get a few things (calcium for David, distilled water for both of us). I'll get the brown sugar then. I may just go to Walgreen's since my knee is so sore today. It feels like I've twisted it too much. I have my appointment with Shellie tomorrow at 1pm. And I switched my appointment with Alicia to Thursday at 2pm. That way I don't have to worry about going out Wednesday if the roads are bad. I'll try to get to the WW center to weigh in at least. If the roads are okay I'll have David bring us over to the Wednesday night meeting. He hasn't officially weighed in yet. He needs to do that.

Laundry and dishes continue as they do every day. Besides that I don't have anything else to do. I'll figure out dinner later. It will be something quick again since my knee is so sore. Maybe I can get David to grill some burgers or steak. I'll have to check out the WW site for some inspiration. If I had thought of it earlier I would have tried to make something in the crock pot. Maybe I can do that tomorrow.

Picture is of today's lunch.

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