Wednesday, October 19, 2011


I lost another 1.2 pounds this past week!! Yippee, yahoo!! That's exactly what I lost the week before too. I didn't get to the 10 pounds loss milestone. Missed it by .2. Drat. But I'm psyched that I lost 1.2 pounds. My current weight is 288.6. That feels really good.

Tonight's meeting was good. Dori talked about having a can do attitude. She's so positive and encouraging. I talked to her after the meeting and told her about my knee injury and asked if I should back off a little on my WPPA and she said that I could do that since I can't exercise. I also asked about the water thing (not getting enough) and she said that juices count in the liquids so as long as I'm getting 48 oz. of something I'm doing okay. The juice will just take points. Water is the best though. She told me to try drinking it through a straw. She said for some people that helps them to drink more. When I went up to her she hugged me and thanked me for my kind words last night. I told her that I really looked forward to her meetings because she's so positive and encouraging. She hugged me again. That made me feel good. She's very welcoming and has a servant's heart.

David had a really hard day at work today and didn't go to the meeting but he is tracking all of his food. He said he'll go next week. I'm going to totally leave that up to him. I'm not going to make him go or bug him about it. I'll let him know what time I'm going to leave the house for the meeting and tell him if he wants to go he needs to be ready by then. Tonight I got to the meeting later than I wanted to because I woke up late from my nap which got me to picking up Bayou at 4:30pm instead of 4:00pm. I got to the meeting just in time to weigh in and get a seat. It was packed as usual. I was a little bummed out when I didn't get the 10 pounds but I was still excited that I lost 1.2 lbs. Couldn't believe I only missed it by .2. Maybe I should have blown out all the air in me. Haha!!

One of the things that was discussed in the meeting tonight was how to handle all the food that is out this time of year, especially in the workplace. It seems like wherever you go there's food out (cookies and candy especially). I think the best thing I can do is not even take anything. Once I start I can't stop and I know that about myself. Although, when I'm out in public it's easier for me to take just one cookie because I feel like everyone is watching me. Someone brought snacks in to David's work yesterday. He just abstained. I told him it's okay to have a little something but just not to over do. Pot meet kettle. LOL

I actually ate all my meals and all my snacks today and still have 5 daily PPV's left. I'm going to leave it there. I don't need anything else tonight. I'm quite satisfied and would only eat just to do it. Didn't dip into my 49 at all. Woot!

My leg felt pretty good today but is starting to get irritated now. I've had the heat on it since I got home. It's the back of my leg that really hurts. When I walk it feels like it's going to give way. It's a very uncomfortable feeling. So I've been careful when walking around. I was hopeful today that it would heal up by next week when I have the appointment set with Dr. Jinkins but I think that I'll have him look at it no matter what. It just doesn't feel right. I miss walking already and it's only been a couple of days. I can't wait to get out there again. I hope that I feel the same way once it heals up. I know I'll lose weight more if I'm working out.

I hope everyone is having a good day today. I'd love to hear about your day and how you are doing on the program.

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