Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Pain, pain go away..

don't come back any other day either. We have a cold front moving in late today and every bone in my body is aching. I've been up most of the night. I'll bring Bayou to daycare this morning and then come home and sleep since I don't have anything planned for today. I'll probably pick her up around 3pm, earlier if the rain/snow starts moving in. I have to get to my appointments tomorrow so I'm hoping the snow will hold off long enough for me to do that. If there's a 5:30pm meeting tomorrow night I'll have David drive us over in the Jeep. I'm not sure how I'd know if they canceled beside showing up and the center being closed. I'm sure we'll be able to judge by the weather if we should go or not.

Typically when I feel achy like this I crave comfort foods but I'm not having those type of cravings. So far. I'm hurting so bad that I'm not even thinking about eating. I had a granola bar earlier and some juice. I might have some waffles with fruit later. I do need to go to the store today so I'll get that done early. I need bread and a few other things. I'll just run over to Target.

Well, tomorrow is weigh in day and I'm up a couple of pounds going by my scale so I'm not going to expect a loss to show up on the WW scale this week. I thought about not weighing in but that would not be helpful to me. I need to know where I stand. When I look back over the week I'll see that I've had way too much juice. All the sugar in it has me gaining weight back. I should stick to Power Foods today when I can. It's hard to do though when I'm achy and tired.

I don't think I've taken any ibuprofen since last night either so I'll take some of that and see if that helps. If I had my swim trunks I'd go over to the Y and sit in their hot tub but I don't want to do it without swim trunks.

I can't wait to see Dr. Jinkins tomorrow too. I'm sure he can do something for me. He's a good ortho doctor.

I'm getting sleepy so I'm going to sign off for now. I'll check in later this morning. Have a great OP day everyone!!

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