Thursday, October 20, 2011

I had a great day

I did go to the noon WW meeting. Ila was the leader. She was a very nice woman. She asked everyone what they've been doing differently that has had a big effect. I told her that I stopped going to the 7-Eleven. she gave me a "Bravo" sticker. LOL I was glad to get it since I didn't get my sticker for losing 10 pounds. Yes, I still love getting a sticker for doing something good. I don't think I'll ever outgrow that. She also gave us each a little river rock to remind us of the ripple effect that our actions have on others. I thought that was really cute. She said she's been doing WW for over 22 years!! Wow!

The meeting was over around 12:30pm. I didn't need to be at Lisa's until 1pm so I stopped at Palmer Park and ate my lunch. It was a beautiful day so I just sat in my car and enjoyed the day while eating. I had my lunch all packed up so I was ready. It was nice to have the food after the meeting. They always talk about food at the meeting and I know I'll be hungry then so it was good to plan ahead.

After lunch I went over to Lisa's. I allotted myself 5 mini chocolates but ended up only having 3 with my tea. I did have some sugar in my tea so that evened out. I had a great time with Lisa. We talked about potato wedges and being in the LBC (Lazy Bum Club) LOL. Actually she gave me a good recipe for cooking potato wedges in the oven. I'm going to try it tomorrow night with the steak. The LBC? Well, that's self explanatory. ;) I brought my 2 extra chocolates home for David as a treat. The rest of the chocolates I left with Lisa. She was happy to have them. ;)

From Lisa's I went over to the daycare and picked up Bayou who is on her 4th day of daycare and is VERY tired. She ate when she got home, went out for a few minutes and has been sleeping in the sun by the door ever since. She is pooped. I love that daycare gives her the mental and physical stimulation that she needs. She'll probably sleep most of the night. Hopefully she'll go to bed okay.

When I got home I made a nacho plate for David and for me as a snack. For dinner I'm making a salad and the dipping oil for whole wheat french bread. It's going to be delicious. I'll make dinner in about half an hour or so.

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