Saturday, October 22, 2011

Change of plans

I decided to go to the 12:15pm meeting instead of the 9am meeting for two reasons. First, I wanted to get my errands done before I went to the meeting because Bayou needed dog food and I didn't want to keep her waiting to have breakfast and second, there is a leader I haven't heard speak before (Meredy) leading the 12:15pm meeting. I already gassed up the car (didn't stop in the store for anything), bought the pet food (and remembered to use my coupon) and got my hair cut (it was in my eyes and the bugs the heck out of me). I put Bayou in her kennel while I ran errands, but won't have to do that when I go to my meeting because David is already home from work. They didn't have to work very long (about 2 hours). I'm glad he's home so Bayou doesn't have to go in her kennel a second time. She does great in her kennel, no whining or anything, I just don't like to have to put her in there. I'll leave for my meeting in about 20 minutes.

I'm looking forward to seeing who Meredy is and hearing her speak. It will be the same topic today (Lose for Good overview) but every leader has their own way of doing meetings. Everyone one of course has their own unique personality and brings that to the meeting. I'm wondering how many people will be there on a Saturday an 12:15pm. I think the Wednesday night meeting is the biggest meeting but I haven't been to all of the meetings, but most of them. This coming week I'll definitely go to Pat's 9:30am meeting and Dori's 5:30pm meeting. Beside that I'll probably just show up each day at one or another.

Wednesday I'll go to the ortho doc to see what's going on with my knee. I'm going to lobby for an MRI. My knee isn't too bad right now but it is early in the day. I have no other errands to run so I won't be using it too much today. Just driving to my meeting and back. I will try to get to laundry and dishes but I can do those things in 10  minute blocks so I won't put too much strain on my leg. Keeping my legs warm seems to help too. 

Time to get ready for the meeting. I don't know if it will be 30 minutes or if it will be longer. Should be fun though.

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