Tuesday, October 25, 2011

I'm Glad I Woke Up (part 2)

I left off where I had asked Karen if she would look at my tracker and she said that she would look at it on Friday (her next day in the center). She was going to be there at 9:30am and I should come in then to show her my tracker journal. I almost cried again. I did get tears in my eyes. She is going to take time out of her busy schedule to work with me. No one else has offered to do that and she did. It means the world to me.

I was so psyched that I came home and went through the WW PP Getting Started guide from front to back. I made notes on the things that Karen said and made my own notes too. I highlighted important things. Printed out some stuff from the WW site to add to the book and put in a handout we got today on Managing Your Environment. I came up with a "Winning Outcome" strategy:

I will achieve my weight goal of 174 pounds by eating healthier foods and keeping track of what I eat and drink. I will walk or exercise 3 times per week. I will weigh in every week and attend at least 2 meetings per week. This is how I will achieve my weight loss goal.

I also was thinking that I will use all my daily PP values each day like I'm supposed to and I'll use my WPPA values without fear. I will stop drinking juice and will drink water and herbal tea. I know I gained weight this week because of all the juice. And not to make excuses but I haven't been working out because of my knee. I've been doing other things (housework, walking/shopping) but it's not the same as being able to go out hiking. I could be doing Qi Gong or other chair exercises. Instead I've been doing nothing. Not good. I've been using my knee as an excuse for eating and drinking the wrong things.

Karen talked about eating more protein and fiber and less fat and carbohydrates. I've been eating way too many carbs which basically is sugar. It's not good for me. I need to be focusing on the Power Foods and I haven't been doing that. So I went to the store and got more fruit.

For dinner I made 2 WW recipes (baked chicken and friend rice) and for dessert I made another WW recipe for Oatmeal Raisin Bites but substituted cran-raisins for raisins (just because I didn't have raisins and did have the cranberry raisins). The WW dinner was 7 points total and the cookies were 2 points each (made small on purpose) and I had 4. That left me with 0 points on my daily points and 1 point on my WPPA points. I just made staying on plan this week. I did have AP's I could have used but that would have defeated the purpose for me right now, which is weight loss.

I made just 12 cookies - 4 for me, 4 for David for tonight and 4 for his lunch for tomorrow. The rest of the batter is in the freezer for another time. I was proud of myself for not using all the batter and only having 4 cookie bites. By the way, they were fantastic! The yummiest oatmeal cookies I have ever made or eaten.

I also took time today to copy all the recipes out of the weekly handouts and the Getting Started guide so I have them to use. That's where I got the recipes for tonight. There also was a Power Foods mini cookbook that I printed out. I put all of them in my recipe binder on the fridge.

Weigh in is tomorrow night but I'm not sure we'll get there because of weather. I'll just play that by ear. But I'll get to the Thursday meeting so I can weigh in then if I need to. And I'll definitely be there at 9:30am on Friday to see if Karen has time to see my tracker that I've already printed out. I'm also going to bring a picture of the triplets because she has quad grandkids!

Okay, I think that's it for now. I'm so excited that I could just keep blogging all night long. I can only hope that everyone has or has had an experience like I did today in a meeting. It rocked!!

Picture is of left overs (baked chicken and fried rice) and the cookies (all in David's lunch).

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