Tuesday, October 25, 2011

I'm Glad I Woke Up

I didn't sleep much last night so after I dropped Bayou off at daycare I came home and went back to bed. Part of the reason I went back to bed was that I felt depressed. I really didn't feel like participating in the world today. I did promise myself I was going to go to the 9:30am WW meeting but honestly I went to bed and thought if I get up, fine, and if I didn't that would have been fine too. Usually I sleep about an hour but I didn't wake up until 9:17am! Yikes! The meeting started at 9:30am. I really had a good excuse for not going then. I didn't want to walk in late even though I know it's okay to do that and lots of people do. I knew I didn't want to go because I'm gaining weight back this week. Even though it wasn't weigh in day I just didn't want to go. So, what did I do? I went to the meeting.

I made most of the lights on the drive there but still was going to be about 5 minutes late. I thought about turning around and going home. But I didn't. When I got to the meeting, late, it hadn't even started yet so I wasn't walking in late. Good thing #1. Another reason I thought about not going to the meeting is that I knew they would be talking about Halloween and candy and not only did I not want to hear about candy again I just didn't want to talk about food. But again, I went anyway. The presentation sheet said "Trick or Treat" on it and I sighed thinking, "here we go again". Then Karen started talking.

She said that she knew that a lot of people were having trouble with motivation and really needed to be at the meeting. I almost started crying. She went on about how we needed to be at meetings and that not showing up was giving up. Everything she said applied to how I felt when I got there. I just sat there thinking of all the reasons that I didn't want to go and was shocked when she didn't talk about candy but talked about motivation and how we needed each other. I felt myself nodding my head in agreement to so many of the things that she was saying. I wish I could have recorded the meeting. It was so inspirational, motivating and encouraging.

Karen talked about tracking everything and making better choices. She handed out a 3 month journal to a lady in the meeting who was going to track for a week and then come back so she could look at it and let her know what things she needed to change to make this a more successful journey. Karen said that she had taken time to look at other people's journals to let them know where they were going wrong with the plan. I knew in that moment that I was going to ask Karen to look at my tracker (I can print out the online tracker).

I wish I could remember all the awesome things that Karen said but I was so emotional that I felt the meeting a bit more than I heard it. I just knew it was meant for me to be there. Karen did spend some time talking about candy but she wove it all into the motivational aspect of things. She made me and I'm sure a lot of other people feel so special. It was like she was directly talking to me and knew my story even though I hadn't said a word to her. She even talked about the sugar thing that I was researching yesterday. It was spooky (haha pun intended) that the Halloween talk was everything I needed to hear.

I decided to stay for the Getting Started meeting. It's been about a month since the first one and I thought that I would get more out of it this time. Boy, did I. Karen explained everything in detail and asked us questions as she went along. It took about half and hour compared to the 10-15 minutes the first one took. I'm not slighting the leader who did that meeting, I think it was just that we all were new and didn't know what to ask or what to say. I learned so much in the meeting that I felt like I needed to rush home to write everything down.

Before I left though I told Karen that I was struggling this week and asked if she would look at my tracker on Friday and she said she would. (continued)

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