Monday, October 10, 2011

I did it!!

I went for a walk this morning at Palmer Park. I walked for about 17 minutes. That's how long it took me to do the little loop. It felt good to be out there. Unfortunately I had to go to the bathroom when I got there and there is no facility so I probably would have walked longer if nature wasn't calling. It was for the best though because 17 minutes seemed like just enough. I'm not hurting or uncomfortable and that's what I want. I went hiking right after I dropped Bayou off because I remembered that I can't go to Gold's Gym the first time until 9am. So I'll leave here in about 40 minutes and go and do that. I'll have breakfast in the mean time.

I ate some cereal and chips late last night. It counted toward my 49 point weekly allowance. No harm points wise but I don't want to give in to eating late at night. That's not going to help me lose weight. It wasn't hunger, it was anxiety and/or boredom. I'm really going to have to figure a way out of those feelings without eating. My stomach feels empty this morning. I'm trying to pay attention to hunger cues instead of eating just to eat. I mean, I'll have all of my meals but will pay attention to cues before I eat and while I'm eating. I need to know the difference between being hungry and feeling hungry because I'm bored or frustrated.

Pikes Peak was spectacular this morning with all the snow of it. I had forgotten just how beautiful it is hiking up at Palmer Park. It's probably been a year since I've been up there, maybe longer. It really is quite an accomplishment to get out there and walk. I'm proud of  myself. 

I took some allergy medicine and 2 ibuprofen this morning and it's kicking in. I'm yawning constantly. I think that helped me with pain though. I feel like I worked just hard enough. I have to remember to enter my activity points for today. I did about 17 minutes at a moderate pace. I kept the pace slow and easy for my first walk. I don't usually do that. Typically I push myself too hard and end up hurting. There's no point in doing that so slow and easy it was.

I'm just so excited that I really got myself out there and walked today. I am amazed at all the changes I'm making because of WW. If it wasn't for eTools and the online community I wouldn't be doing what I'm doing. And the meetings too. It's all contributed to my success and progress. I don't expect to lose as much weight this week but I'm hoping that I'll drop at least 2 pounds. The walking should help with that.

Hey, my stomach just growled. I must really be hungry. Woot! I haven't had that happen in a long time. I was usually still so full from the day before that I felt sick. This is a good thing.

Time for breakfast!

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