Friday, June 19, 2009

Quick morning walk

It's 9am and I've already completed my walk and had breakfast (Boost). I walked for about 45 minutes today although it seemed like I was only out there for about 15 minutes. In the first part of the walk I was sure that I was going to turn around and go back to the car. I just didn't feel prepared for my walk this morning. I got up around 6:45am. I had a weird dream and just wanted to get out of the house. I left without taking my medicine. I did however drink some Boost before I went for my walk. I also forgot to bring some tissues. My nose always gets runny out there walking. I did remember to wear a hat today. There were some shady spots on the first half of the hike but the second half was very sunny. It was cool enough though that I could keep up a good pace. Yesterday I felt like I was out there for such a long time and today it felt so short. I was out twice as long yesterday but today just flew by.

I'm feeling pretty sore today so I think I'll just do a short walk tomorrow. I'm also still not feeling 100%. I still need to take my meds. That will help some. I'm ready for my morning nap. This afternoon I have to go to JCPenney's to get some shorts for David. That will be good for me to stretch my legs. I didn't use the camel pack this morning either. I was in too much of a hurry to get out of the house. So I just put a water bottle in my pocket in case I needed a drink. The walk was so quick that I didn't feel like I needed water until I got back to the car.

I'd like to take the short loop at Palmer Park in the morning but I'd also like to try someplace new, but not too far from the house. I should check out the Stetson Hills Open Area (High Chapparal is what I thinked it's called). I'll probably do that this afternoon too.

Off to take my meds and take a nap. Later gator.

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