Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Shopping is done

I got the grocery shopping done and pretty much stuck to the list. There were just a couple things that I forgot to put on the list so I picked them up while I was there. I felt pretty good walking around the store. I didn't feel as drained as I usually do. At the check out, they are using brown paper bags instead of the small plastic bags. The guy loaded up the bags to the point that I wasn't sure I could carry them. There were only four of them but that was two trips into the house. My lower back is sore now. I'm going to rest for a few minutes and then get myself some lunch.

I know that there are a lot of people who don't even think twice about going shopping but it is definitely a work out for me. I can see the progress that I'm making though. There are lots of things that are a work out for me that didn't used to be. I've taken those things for granted before. Now I'm thrilled whenever I can do anything that involves activity. It does feel good to get out there and move.

I got what I needed to breakfast, lunch and dinners. I'm going to try the stir fry and see if I can tolerate the meat cooked like that. Just plain meat doesn't appeal to me anymore. I also got a six pack of protein Boost. That's always a good, quick, healthy meal. I and got some healthier snacks too (graham crackers, wheat thins, raisins, etc.). If I can't control myself with the snacks then I just won't get any again. I think I'll do okay though. Today I'm going to have my last french bread peanut butter and jelly sandwich. I need to limit my white bread intake along with the sugary stuff (jelly). I did get a low sugar, low calorie jelly this time.

I'm looking forward to getting out there at Palmer Park and walking tomorrow. It won't be long before I'll be able to do the 3 mile loop. I'll stick to the short loop for now. I can always do it twice if I feel like I haven't walked enough. It's really beautiful up there. I'll remember to take pictures tomorrow. ;)

I've been off my anti-inflammatory meds for a few days now. I think I'm doing okay with it. It worries me that my kidneys are effected by my meds. I'm hoping it's the Relafen, otherwise I'll have to talk to the Dr. and figure out which other med could effect my kidneys. I'd like to get off all my meds at some point. I think if I keep up the activity and eat better that mentally and physically I'll feel better. One tihing at a time though.

Well, I'm rested enough now to make my lunch.

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