Wednesday, June 17, 2009

Awesome walk today in Palmer Park

I got up this morning and took my meds and made my protein smoothie. I drank about 1/4 of it and saved the rest for after my walk. Then I went up to Palmer Park, the Mesa Trail and walked. I walked at least a mile, probably more like a mile and a half. It felt really good. There were a few slight inclines that gave me a work out. There were lots of dogs on the trail today. One of them ran up to me and barked. That was a little scary. But overall the dogs were well behaved. I didn't really know which trail to take so I just meandered around. I kept up a good pace today. I really felt like I got a workout. My back seems to be doing okay. I may be sore later though.

On most of the trail the sun was beating down on me. It got hot. I chewed a piece of gum so I wouldn't get dry mouth and I brough a bottle of water. Doing both of those things helped me to walk longer. Next time I might wear my hat to keep the sun off my head and face. My face was very red after I finished walking. The drive home was nice. There is a cool breeze today. When I got home I finished up my protein smoothie. It was delicious. I probably should have made more though. I'll make more of it tomorrow. After I had my smoothie I changed into comfy clothes. I'll take a shower later. I'm feeling pretty tired right now, more from the meds than from the walk.

I think I'll hike in Palmer Park again tomorrow but I'll take a different trail. The Grandview Trail is about 1.3 miles. I may try to wak that tomorrow. It's an out and back. If I get too sore or tired I can always just turn around and go back. I think I can push myself though to do the whole out and back. I'd like to get there earlier before the sun becomes so much of an issue. I'll try to get there at 7am tomorrow. I'm really looking forward to walking again.

I have both doors open in the house and a nice breeze is coming in. It's nice to relax after actually doing something. I need to plan something for dinner tonight. Maybe I'll do the stir fry chicken tonight. I will look through the cabinets and see what I have for meals. I think I'll do an inventory again and post it on the fridge. That really helped me the last time I did it.

I'm feeling impatient about waiting on the weight loss. I want to see it happening today. I know I didn't get into this overnight and I won't get out of it overnight either.I'm really going to have to practice patience with the weight loss. My body is so used to keeping it's fat stores because I wasn't feeding it as often as I should have and I definitely wasn't feeding it healthy stuff. I'm not going to weight myself though. I want to feel the weight loss not just look at a number.

I can't believe I walked as far as I did today. I'm very happy with the progress I am making.

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